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About us

Kültepe Investment invests in Startup companies from Anatolia to Turkey and Globally, with the power, experience and wide network of its founders.

It is a 100 million TL venture capital investment fund that finances seed and post-seed ventures, regardless of technology-focused, fast-growing/growing sectors.

who are we

We are a venture capital investment fund established by business people and industrialists from Kayseri with the vision of making technology-oriented investments.

We are a team that likes to follow the latest developing technologies, becomes a customer of these technologies when necessary, and provides commercial mentoring and investment. With our industry and trade experience, we both support startups and offer our fund investors the opportunity to invest in new technology startups.

Kültepe Investment logo image

Kültepe Investment Inc.

Istanbul portfolio Kültepe Investment

Istanbul Portfolio Management Inc.

Kültepe Venture Capital Investment Fund is a CMB-approved investment fund and is operated by İstanbul Portföy Yönetimi A.Ş. and Kültepe Yatırım A.Ş. was established in cooperation.

Kültepe Investment

Kültepe Investment was founded in Kayseri in 2019 by 20 industrialists and business people from Kayseri to invest in technology-oriented and sustainable Startup initiatives that are at the pre-seed and seed stage. He invested in 12 startups from different sectors and then launched the Kültepe Venture Capital Investment Fund .

Kültepe Investment aims to ensure the development of projects and entrepreneurs by transferring their existing knowledge and experience to the projects of which they will be investors by providing mentoring, consultancy and leading investors. During all these processes, investors also make efforts to facilitate and accelerate the commercial success of startups, thanks to their professional and commercial relationships.

Kültepe Investment evaluates especially early stage ventures with the criteria of the potential and energy of the entrepreneur, the originality and distinctiveness of the idea, the commercialization potential of the venture and the potential it will achieve in the future.

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